The Best Online Lead Awareness Training on the Market
Overview: Lead Awareness Training Online As per OSHA requirements, jobs requiring workers to work with materials or in places that increase lead exposure risks must provide employees with lead awareness training. Employers in industries like construction where workers...
How Asbestos Effects Your Body
How Asbestos Exposure Can Harm Your Body & How You Can Avoid It Have you ever wondered what happens to your body if it is exposed to asbestos? There are many different ways that Asbestos can harm your body. Keep reading to learn how asbestos can harm your body and...
Asbestos Removal Costs and Information
How much does Asbestos removal cost? In this months Haztrainer blog post we will discuss how much it costs to have Asbestos removed from schools, homes, businesses, among other buildings and establishments with asbestos-containing materials? The Actual Cost of...
Commonly Used Materials That Contain Asbestos
Materials that May Contain Asbestos In this post, Ed Kennedy (founder of Haztrainer) will share some common materials used in society that may contain asbestos. Our goal here at Haztrainer is to keep you safe and informed!Why Should You Care About Asbestos Presence?...
Top Free Resources Online To Learn About Asbestos
Best Online Resources to Learn About Asbestos Awareness (For Free!) Asbestos usage was popular throughout the 19th century up until the 1970s when the world realized the health risks posed by asbestos and begun banning asbestos usage. While banning asbestos has helped...
What is Friable Asbestos? All You Need To Know
Friable Asbestos Information and Definition According to OSHA, friable asbestos is asbestos that can be easily crumbled, making it release breathable asbestos fibers. It's worth noting that asbestos isn't dangerous in its compact state. In fact, asbestos has many...
What Is Asbestosis? Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention.
What is Asbestosis?Asbestosis is an occupational lung disease caused by asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a material used in many homes and businesses to prevent fire, but it can be dangerous when fibers are released into the air. Not everyone who breathes in these...
What To Do If There Is Lead In Your Water
What To Do If You Detect Lead In Your Water Have you discovered lead in your water? What effect will this have on your health? What should you do if you think there may be lead in your water? In this Haztrainer blog post, we will answer all these questions in this...
Asbestos Test Kits Guide
Importance of Testing for Asbestos Asbestos is common in our homes in roofing, piping, and flooring materials. While asbestos stands out for its heat resistance properties, it's a dangerous material linked to many cancers, the most notable being mesothelioma. The...